Thursday, 31 October 2013

@GymGrump Grumpy Guide Gym Etiquette

So, I got asked to write about a subject very close to my black little heart, gym etiquette. 
Most people see body builders as overgrown,  nasty, grumpy sods. Know what, they're right....BUT THERE'S A REASON.
The reason generally wears, Toms, a snapback, a crazily large stringer that barely covers their nipples and calls you "brah".
Here's some rules to follow to avoid getting growled at, bitten, beaten, stuffed into a gym locker.
1) Don't talk to someone in the middle of a set.
2) If they're wearing headphones, it's for a reason ie so they can concentrate. 
3) Don't ask silly questions about protein, creatine, roids or "how to get hench".
4) Don't stand in front of someone who is obviously using the mirror to check form. That's ACTUALLY why they're there.
5) Never steal someone's weights, especially without asking.
6) You're still talking to me...STOP!!

These simple rules will stop serious training people from wanting to bite you.

Another thing to mention is women in the free weights area. Ladies, just get in there. The reason why some "men" look at you that way is because they're either jealous of your form (as you actually listen) and probably have never made a lady sweat in their know what I mean. 

Last point. Gym staff aren't there to clean up after you. If you use it, put it back. Weirdly, most gym staff are PTs, trained professionals,  who didn't study half their life to PUT BACK YOUR 12KG DUMBBELL YOU NUMPTY. 

Thanks for reading.

Love you.


Wednesday, 23 October 2013

@Jayson_Gibson - Why should anyone compete? - #TeamRage

Why should anyone compete? 

I asked myself this very question a year ago. At first I couldn't find a reason only excuses "I'll never be Mr O, I'll never make money from it" and so on. But then I came to the realization that is been preparing to compete the day I stepped foot in the gym. 
I was putting all this effort in to eat 8 times a day every 2 hours (disagree with how I eat if you like.... But you're wrong) ;) training my ass off, struggling to so simple tasks because I was crippled from DOMS for what? To look good on holidays I never go on, to look good when I get changed? Is it really worth it for the only recognition to be "you look good, what protein you use?" 

You want people to look at you and say wow he's worked hard, he's dedicated. Not, oh he's in good shape. 
Yes you may not win, yes you might feel a bit crappy for a few weeks and yes you might miss a few nights out. But standing under those lights showering hundreds or even thousands of people what you've been working so hard for, to show people why you were throwing up after those squats or why you're not able to lift your hands above your head. 
You might be thinking "ah all I get is a shitty trophy, why should I put myself through this?" Well yes you do get a trophy if you do well, but it's not the trophy itself, it's what it represents. It's showing that you are able to push yourself further than anyone, work harder and stick at it when it gets tough. 

I was actually given my current job because they knew I was dedicated and knew I could put up with the bad times and not give in. 

So when you think to yourself, should I compete? Well if you're standing in the gym you're already well on your way. #teamrage out!