So, I got asked to write about a subject very close to my black little heart, gym etiquette.
Most people see body builders as overgrown, nasty, grumpy sods. Know what, they're right....BUT THERE'S A REASON.
The reason generally wears, Toms, a snapback, a crazily large stringer that barely covers their nipples and calls you "brah".
Here's some rules to follow to avoid getting growled at, bitten, beaten, stuffed into a gym locker.
1) Don't talk to someone in the middle of a set.
2) If they're wearing headphones, it's for a reason ie so they can concentrate.
3) Don't ask silly questions about protein, creatine, roids or "how to get hench".
4) Don't stand in front of someone who is obviously using the mirror to check form. That's ACTUALLY why they're there.
5) Never steal someone's weights, especially without asking.
6) You're still talking to me...STOP!!
These simple rules will stop serious training people from wanting to bite you.
Another thing to mention is women in the free weights area. Ladies, just get in there. The reason why some "men" look at you that way is because they're either jealous of your form (as you actually listen) and probably have never made a lady sweat in their know what I mean.
Last point. Gym staff aren't there to clean up after you. If you use it, put it back. Weirdly, most gym staff are PTs, trained professionals, who didn't study half their life to PUT BACK YOUR 12KG DUMBBELL YOU NUMPTY.
Thanks for reading.
Love you.