Saturday, 1 November 2014



You have been waiting for this products for months and months and its finally in production and on it's way here.

- No longer will you have to struggle to dry your hair after shoulders.
- No longer will you have to struggle to sit down after leg day.
- No longer will you have to have a bad workout because you trained the day before.

Bodybuilders have been looking for a better way to recover. Some experts advise training less, while others implement periodical de-loading phases, and then some just keep pounding away by upping the dose or increasing the calories to absurd levels. Many of us have tried one or more of those methods because we want progress regardless of how big or how small.If taken as directed, it isn’t a question of whether or not you will gain muscle; the only question is how much and how fast you will put it on.

Bodybuilding’s most well-respected coach John Meadows has teamed up with PrimeNutrition to help create the most anticipated supplement to hit the market since the introduction of creatine by Bill Phillips in 1993. Take your workouts beyond comprehension with Intra-MD, handcrafted from the brain of the Mountain Dog himself we’ve seen other peri-workout formulas before, but never have the ingredients been individually selected with the highest level of integrity for quality and proper dosing than by the man who unlocked the Holy Grail behind intra-workout nutrition. That’s right, it has been over 20 YEARS since the sports world has seen a non-hormonal product that can produce real performance enhancing results. There are no false promises with Intra-MD-- the science is 100% ironclad.

For years and years everyone focused on post workout or pre workout or both. Both are needed for optimum success but when was the last time you heard someone say Intra workout was so important compared to post workout? How could have all missed it for so long? The Mountain Dog has spent years developing the perfect recipe for success and has found a blend of products that work and help you progress in every session. Day in and day out.


EAA'S are Essential because they have to be gained from your diet. EAAs are critical to recover from, and ultimately grow from the most intense workouts. Among the BCAAs is the amino acid leucine, a key activator or mTOR and master-controller for muscle protein synthesis. It is leucine uptake into muscle cells that flips the switch for protein synthesis and muscle building to ON (1-3). In addition to serving as raw materials to crank out new proteins for muscle growth and repair, EAAs increase amino acid transporter levels in cell membranes, (4) providing a potent anabolic punch.

The problem: simple carbs. Spiking insulin with simple carbs is old technology. Although dextrose/simple carbs look good on paper, the human body is a finely tuned machine. Nutrient density is sensed in the small intestine by special types of receptors called “osmoreceptors”, which sense the concentration of stomach contents as they exit the stomach, controlling the rate of gastric emptying. This is precisely the problem with dextrose and other simple sugars: In spite of warp-speed absorption in the small intestine, simple sugars have an extremely high osmolality, triggering osmoreceptors to slow gastric emptying into the small intestine, where carbs are actually absorbed. Worse, in the context of a peri-workout nutrition shake, you aren’t only delaying the delivery of carbs; amino acid delivery will also be delayed. Use too many of the wrong type of carbs, and you might as well be gnawing on a steak during your workout.
Fortunately, there is a way to “trick” the stomach into releasing large amounts of carbohydrate into the small intestine for rapid absorption. When glucose molecules are linked together to form high molecular weight polymers, one molecule can consist of hundreds to thousands of individual glucose molecules linked together. These high molecular weight polymers have a much lower osmolality in solution tricking those pesky osmoreceptors to allow these branched cyclic dextrins to exit the stomach at warp-speed for absorption in the small intestine. This provides a rapid, but sustained increase in blood sugar and insulin to fuel the most grueling workouts (5, 6).
Ever notice that when you are really growing, your muscles are full and pumped all of the time? This is not a coincidence; a full muscle is an anabolic muscle and muscle growth is driven by cell volume. This is where electrolytes come in; by promoting cell volumization, electrolytes drive amino acid (leucine) uptake into the cell (7), turning on protein synthesis(8, 9) to pack on new muscle, while also suppressing protein breakdown (10, 11).
Citrulline Malate is a non-essential amino acid that converts into arginine and then into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that helps to improve blood flow to your organs, thus providing potential health benefit. It has also been shown to increase ATP production by 34%. Briand et al. There is also evidence via a study published in the May 2010 "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" that demonstrated a decrease in muscle soreness. Most notable studies have been conducted using 6 grams of CM as the dose, and we have included 2 grams per serving so that on your hard, very difficult workouts, you will be using this dose (3 servings), as those are the workouts where you will see the benefit from this supplement.

“This product will allow you to train harder and more frequently due to the increase in recovery you will see. Say good bye to soreness. Say hello to new muscle.”
John Meadows

Intra-MD formulator

Estimated Time of Arrival: 1st December 2014 - That date is allowing for delays and will probably ship to your doors before!

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

You need more sleep

Sleep is a funny thing. You spend the first 12 years of your life trying to stay up as late as you can, then for the next 8 continue this way or give in and all you do is sleep.

Then after this most of us want to cherish sleep. We crave it. Thats why we hate cardio in the morning or even getting an early flight to go where we have always dreamed, because we know we feel better from more sleep. If you are an average sort of person (when it comes to sleep - not how shredded you are compared to the rest of population) you will spend 36% of your life sleeping, which means if you make it to 90 years of age you would have slept 32 years of your life. 32 years.

Lack of sleep can be detrimental to your health/motivation/relationships/recovery - both mental and physical and yet normally about 5 mornings a week we are awoken by an alarm sound ruining our sleep cycle/body clock.

Humans, Plants and Animals all have chemical clocks that are built around the environment, normally light and dark (day and night). For example it has been proven if you take a horseshoe crab out of it's environment and fly it thousands of miles away and put it in a float cage it will still move in harmony with the tide it came from all those thousands of miles away, it will do this for a sustained period of time.

I know what your thinking what does a crab have to do with my sleep?

If you take person and put them in a bunker underground, that person will go to sleep and will awake at the same time until starting to get up a little bit later each day (about 15 mins) which proves you have your own body clock and to work at optimum levels your body needs you to fulfil this day after day.

So what happens when you don't have enough sleep/enough quality sleep? Caffeine is used to wake us up (coffee in the morning normally) and sometimes alcohol (A sedative - not a sleep aid) to help us get to sleep. Which although is a short term fix is great but it does not solve anything in terms of making us work at our best.

So what happens when we do not have enough sleep?

- Higher stress levels
- Lack of cognitive recovery
- Lack of Physical recovery
- Less Motivation
- Less ability to learn a new task
- Reduced ability to recall stored information (Memory)
- Reduced Creativity
- Increased Impulsiveness

- In the 1950s people had on average 8 hours of sleep a night
- In 2013 people had on average just 6.5 hours of sleep
- But here is the staggering one. In 2013 it was common for people to have just 5 hours

In fact if you get less than 5 hours of sleep per night you have 50% chance of becoming obese and more than likely a much higher chance of weight gain which none of us want when it comes to being lean. This is because lack of sleep causes Ghrelin to rise which is the hunger hormone, Ghrelin causes the brain to crave carbohydrates but not any carbohydrates it particularly seeks out sugars (Not good if your prepping for a show).

The worst bit is we do not help ourselves in anyway, the optimum way to get sleep is to have the room as dark as you can for a good half an hour before you try to get to sleep. But what do we all do? Watch the news at 10, check the Muscle Rage Twitter, text loved ones goodnight, send late emails and of course brush our teeth with a very high wattage light bulb overhead. The next thing we need to do is make the room cool, which again is easier said than done due to the fact we all have the fire or central heating on through the winter and in the summer most of us do not have some form of air conditioning due to the lack of brilliant weather in this country - although this year has been brilliant.

Now sometimes a lack of sleep is needed or a lack of quality sleep is needed to get the job done whether thats getting up to go to business meeting or working through the night or getting an extra session of cardio or even a midnight meal in a few nights out from a show. We hear all the time 'don't go to sleep if you woke up broke' and that 'you have to be willing to give up sleep to succeed', which taking it in the context it's said makes a lot of sense and sometimes that has to be done.

However, looking at that from a well being/healthy/productive point of view doing that will probably actually make you worse at performing those tasks compared to having good 8 hours sleep. Because you wont be able to work as hard sleep deprived whether that is physical in the gym or mentally at work.

If you struggle to get that deep sleep we have shared in this article make sure you turn the lights off, have effective blinds/curtains/turn off your electronics and keep your bedroom cool. You can even take a scoop of Sleep/GH or 3 caps a Growth whilst your doing this to help you get that quality of sleep you rightfully deserve, need, crave and want.

We hope that you will mentally and physically benefit from this blog post.

Source 1. - Russell Foster - Why do we sleep -
Source 2. - Jessa Gamble - Our Natural sleep cycle -

Thursday, 4 September 2014


What are EAA's?  EAA's are essential amino acids.

An amino acid is essential because the body cannot make it from other dietary components and if someone does not eat perfectly day in day out you simply wont have enough.

During exercise protein breakdown occurs however there is no rise of protein synthesis during this time meaning that muscle catabolism will occur i.e muscle breakdown will occur. Now you don't have to be a scientist to realise that muscle and breakdown are not two words you want to put together when you are training to smash your goals day in and day out. However, when supplementing with EAA'S you can help eliminate the post workout muscle breakdown there making your muscle recover better and faster than previously.

In EAA'S by Prime Nutrition it has a massive 5g of Leucine along with 1g Isonleucine and 1g Valine per scoop. Because of this you don't need to mix 2 or 3 scoops you just have to have the 1, if you want to use more thats up to you but 30 servings on the tub means 30 servings. It also contains 500mg Lysine, 500mg Methionin, 500mg Theronine and 250mg of Phenylalanine. Because of this it makes this the most complete Amino blend on the market.

To make EAA's even more appealing to you, Prime Nutrition have recently given the tub a revamp making it look as good as it tastes and works!

Get a 30 serving Tub for £19.99 at 

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Vibrance - Hair/Skin/Nails Formula

Prime Nutrition Pink Series designed Vibrance to support cell growth in the hair, skin, and nails. 
Vibrance enchances beauty from the inside out. 

Vibrance | Prime Nutrition | Female Series  

     If there’s one aspect of our health and well-being that no person on the planet should overlook it is our hair, skin, and nails. Our skin in the largest organ in the body and your hair and nails are actually accessories to your skin. The synergy between the three is a direct reflection on how well you treat your body. Over the course of a person’s lifetime we make millions of new skin cells. These cells are made up of keratin, a powerful protein responsible for healthy skin production.

     Just like any other organ in the body, your skin needs proper nutrition and supplementation in order to function at its highest. By following a healthy and balanced diet, one full of green vegetables, fruits, low fat protein sources, and limited sugar you’ll take in plenty of vitamins for optimal and healthy skin care. But like most people out there, getting in your daily allotment of proper foods each day can be an uphill challenge.

     Supplementing with Vibrance can make this arduous challenge a little bit easier even for the busiest of people. In each serving of Vibrance we provide you with every vitamin clinically proven to enhance all aspects of healthy skin. We packed the maximum number of vitamins per serving to support optimal levels of keratin and the results were almost immediate. If you want stronger nails, shinier & healthier hair, and skin that is less susceptible to aging and wrinkling then it is vital you implement the priceless vitamins in Vibrance.

Vibrance | Prime Nutrition | Vitamins

Vitamin A – 5000IU Vitamin B1 – 25mg Vitamin B2 – 20mg Vitamin B3 – 50mg Vitamin B5 – 10mg Vitamin B6 – 25mg Vitamin B12 – 50mcg Vitamin C – 300mg Vitamin D3 – 400IU Vitamin E – 30IU Vitamin K – 80mcg Biotin (Vitamin H) – 600mcg

Prime Nutrition | Vibrance

vibrance supplement facts

Monday, 18 August 2014

Metha Quad Super Awesome Cycle

Please see below a near perfect Metha Quad with Supporting Supplements 8 Week Cycle;

You will need; 

1x Metha Quad
1x Eradicate 
2x Gear Support 
1x Apex Male 
1x Hype 
1x Taurine 
2x Phytoform 
2x EAA'S
1x Growth 

Weeks 1-4 

Metha Quad ~ 2 Caps E/D
Gear Support ~ 2/3 Caps E/D
Eradicate ~ 1/2 Caps E/D **Some may find not needed but bets to have on on hand

Taurine ~ 1/2 Scoops E/D (One before workout)
Phytoform ~ 1 Scoops E/D (With Breakfast)
EAA'S ~ 1 Scoop During Training 

Weeks 5-8

PCT IV ~ 2 Caps E/D
Apex Male ~ 8 Caps E/D (4 in AM + 4 in PM)
Growth ~ 3 Caps E/D (All before bed) 

Taurine ~ 1 Scoop E/D (Before Workout)
EAA'S ~ 1 Scoop E/D (During Training)
Hype ~ 1 Scoop E/D (Before Workout)
Phytoform ~ 1 Scoop E/D (With Breakfast)

This is a HUGE Cycle designed to give someone the optimum out of their Metha Quad Extreme, anyone interested in this please email 

All wholesale enquiries please email

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Supplements for YOUR Sport

We understand that not everyone wants to be massive or shredded or both for a number of reasons, the main one we see is because they compete in sport meaning that they might need to run x amount of metres in y amount of time and taking Metha Quad for 4 weeks and adding 15lbs whilst it would look great it would not be practical and possibly slow you down.

You are not the same as every body else so why train and take the same supplements as everybody else? A PGA Golf Professional would not train like a bodybuilder so why should they have the same supplements. Of course some supplements like creatine can be used across a wide variety of sports.

So to list a few supplements for a number of sports in brief about how they can help you performance...

RUGBY/American Football/Aussie Rules; 

- Creatine HCL (Prime Nutrition) - Help the efficiency of the ATP-PC Energy System, making you be able to create more energy to beat them to the ball or to hit them harder (tackle - don't hit anyone and get sent off)

- Beta Alanine (Prime Nutrition) - Help buffer Lactic Acid/Delays Muscle Fatigue thus giving you the ability to train and compete harder for longer. 

- Sleep/GH (Prime Nutrition) - Ever played back to back games, day after day or trained day after day. Mentally and physically draining isn't it? Let Sleep/GH help you recover quicker than ever both mentally and physically. Be game ready every day.


- Creatine HCL (Prime Nutrition) - Help the efficiency of the ATP-PC Energy System, making you be able to create more energy to beat them to the ball or to hit them harder (tackle - don't hit anyone and get sent off)

- Sleep/GH (Prime Nutrition) - Ever played back to back games, day after day or trained day after day. Mentally and physically draining isn't it? Let Sleep/GH help you recover quicker than ever both mentally and physically. Be game ready every day.

- Taurine (Prime Nutrition) - To give you a mental and athletic edge over all of your opponents by a very overlooked amino acid


Our main focus on supplements has been bodybuilding/physique or just training to look really great so because of this all supplements on our site can help you achieve your goals.

But some basics are; EAA/HYPE/Eradicate and when looking to build serious mass many of you know the wonders the likes of Super DMZ 2.0 and Metha Quad Extreme can do. 


Phytoform - If you train and play year round you know all to well that you can be perfectly fine up to hole 6 and the last 12 are cold and wet which isn't a problem but your weakened immune system is. You can stay strong and fight off bugs that are itching to knock you off your game. 

Taurine - To help you stay mentally focused and keep playing until the round is done.


Phytoform - Ultimate fruits and greens powder 
APEX MALE - Most complete testosterone booster on the market
EAA'S - Help you repair the muscle tissue that you have broken down during training or the match 

Any questions please email; 

Any wholesale inquiries please email; 

To buy your products in the UK; 

To buy your products in the EU; 


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Random Bits and Bobs that can help you reach your goals

So this blog post is just little things that might make meal prep/training or just life easier for you... 

1. Do you forget meals sometimes? - Set a timer on your phone - FREE 

2. Do you personally find that your fruit and veg is not good enough (After all you now expect the very best using supplements from Muscle Rage)? - Try Riverford - Boxes start at £7.25 and have a variety of options up to £79.50 

3. Do you want higher quality meat? Go to your local butchers, some even deliver and most of them you buy enough and they will throw in more meat for FREE. It's much cheaper than you will expect. 

4. Can't cook your pasta or Protein pasta very well? Get a Pasta Pot - About £20 - Everywhere

5. Need to carry your food round with you all day? Get a Meal Bag System - There are now many companies to choose from - About £60

6. Lacking Motivation in gym? Firstly you need to buy ANGEL DUST or DEFCON-1 but also maybe if you get some better quality headphones you might feel more pumped when the beat 'drops' - £50-80 

Supplements from for ULTIMATE RESULTS 

Monday, 14 July 2014

3 Awesome Reasons to use HYPE!


1. You get insane pumps in the gym. Let's face it we all love the pump and this product delivers it better than anything else, along with enhanced Vascularity which again we all love!

2. Reduced Fatigue. By this we mean enhanced performance during your workouts. As you workout your muscles start to struggle to find oxygen and lactic acid begins to occur which can be very limiting on your session. By using Hype, Vasodilation occurs making it possible for more oxygen to get to your muscles so you can train harder for longer.

3. Increased Glucose use. So all of you that are wanting to get leaner (most of us), athletes using NO boosting products have been shown to have a higher glucose rate of appearance along with a higher glucose rate of disappearance and a better glucose clearance rate.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Phytoform - Eat your veggies!

Fruits & Greens Formula
The Easy Solution to Mom’s “Eat Your Veggies!”
Chances are you already know that eating a nutritious and well-balanced diet is essential to having a strong and healthy body, but let’s face it, that’s often easier said than done. The reasons for falling short on adequate nutrition can range from specialized diets (vegan), personal taste preferences, to the ultra restrictive and variety-lacking diets of bodybuilding competitors. Whatever the cause, there are products available that can fill in the gaps in your nutrition to ensure that you obtain all of the benefits provided by a nutrient-rich and varied diet. Phytoform, a superfood formula, is a concentrated source of phytonutrients that provides the body with the following ingredients and their benefits:

  1. Green Blend: Alfalfa juice concentrate, Organic Spirulina, Organic Chlorella (Broken Cell Wall), and Kelp provide protein, calcium, vitamin A, B vitamins, as well as vitamin C, D, E, and K. In addition, the greens present provide additional phytonutrients in the form of lipids including EPA and DHA, as well as pigments such as beta-carotene.

  2. Antioxidant Fruit Blend: Organic Acai, Pomegranate Extract, Goji Berry, Bilberry Extract, Organic Blueberry, Cranberry, Raspberry, Acai Berry, and Papaya Extract contain many nutrients and phytochemicals which provide dietary minerals, amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, phytosterols, carotenoids, and pigments associated with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The compounds in fruit help to control the oxidative stress and excessive inflammation caused by oxidation reactions and free radicals.

  3. Vegetable Blend: Carrot, Spinach, Broccoli, and Beet. These provide multiple vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and are especially beneficial for providing folate, beta-carotene, vitamin C, lutein, folate, and omega-3 fatty acid. Notably, betaine found in beets may protect against liver disease and diindolylmethane from broccoli supports the immune system.

  4. Fiber Blend: Fructooligosaccharides, Bran, Apple Fiber, Apple Pectin. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are an alternative sweetener, extracted from fruits and vegetables that is a natural source of fiber but that is lower in caloric value and insulin stimulation than table sugar. In addition, the FDA classifies FOS as safe, and several studies have shown that it reduces the pH of the intestines and promotes mineral absorption, especially calcium. Along with FOS, the additional fiber components help to raise the dietary fiber intake and provide fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Overall, consuming fiber is beneficial by regulating the digestive system, promoting colon health, and stabilizing blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

  5. Plant Multi-Enzyme Blend: Protease, Acid-Stable Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase, Papain, and Bromelain serve to aid the digestive system in breaking down large nutrients into smaller ones, so that they can be absorbed by the body. These ingredients ensure that you get the most from this SuperFood formula.

  6. Green Tea Extract (Min 40% Catechins) and Pyrroloquionoline quinone: Green tea extract has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as anti-obesity effects. Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a cofactor, which in studies, has been shown to promote the generation of new mitochondria-aiding metabolism and energy expenditure and may have similar benefits with supplementation. Together, these ingredients help to support the metabolism and promote weight loss.
With Phytoform, there is an easier way to ensure that you are providing your body with the full complement of nutrients to achieve optimal health and wellness. The type and variety of ingredients are also not typically consumed in the average diet, elevating this formula to true SuperFood status. In addition to what Phytoform does provide, it is also notable for what it does not. This blend of concentrated phytonutrients provides all of the benefits without the negative impact of sugar and starches that can occur when consuming the entire fruit and vegetable. Whatever your current diet regimen or physical activity level, everyone can benefit from the addition of this supplement to their diet. Our parents and mom in particular, was right when she forced us to eat our veggies, but I’m thankful that with Phytoform now just one scoop a day, keeps the beets away!!
  1. Van den Heuvel, E., et al. (1999). "Oligofructose stimulates calcium absorption in adolescents". American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 69 (3): 544–548.PMID 10075343.

  2. Säemann MD, Böhmig GA, Zlabinger GJ (May 2002). "Short-chain fatty acids: bacterial mediators of a balanced host-microbial relationship in the human gut".Wien Klin Wochenschr. 114 (8–9): 289–300.PMID 12212362.

  3. Ewaschuk JB, Dieleman LA (October 2006)."Probiotics and prebiotics in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases". World J Gastroenterol. 12 (37): 5941–50.PMID 17009391.

  4. Anderson JW, Baird P, Davis RH et al. (2009). "Health benefits of dietary fiber". Nutr Rev 67 (4): 188–205.doi:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x.PMID 19335713.

  5. Chowanadisai, W.; Bauerly, K. A.; Tchaparian, E.; Wong, A.; Cortopassi, G. A.; Rucker, R. B. (January 2010). "Pyrroloquinoline quinone stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis through cAMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation and increased PGC-1alpha expression". Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (1): 142–152.doi:10.1074/jbc.M109.030130. PMC 2804159.PMID 19861415.

  6. Tucker R, Chowanadisai W, Nakano M. (2009). "Potential physiological importance of pyrroloquinoline quinone". Altern Med Rev. 14 (3): 179–83.

  7. Recent advances on tea polyphenols. Jyoti Kanwar, Mujtaba Taskeen, Imthiyaz Mohammad, Congde Huo, Tak Hang Chan, Qing Ping Dou
    Front Biosci (Elite Ed) Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 March 14.
    Published in final edited form as: Front Biosci (Elite Ed). 2012 January 1; 4: 111–131.

  8. A green tea extract high in catechins reduces body fat and cardiovascular risks in humans
    T Nagao, T Hase, I Tokimitsu - Obesity, 2007 - Wiley Online Library

  9. 9. Laboratory Studies on Weight Control and Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome by Green Tea
    Sae-tan Sudathip, Kimberly A. Grove, Joshua D. Lambert
    Pharmacol Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 August 1.
    Published in final edited form as: Pharmacol Res. 2011 August; 64(2): 146–154. Published online 2010 December 28.doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2010.12.013

  10. "Diindolylmethane Information Resource Center at the University of California, Berkeley". Retrieved 2007-06-10.

  11. A.D.A.M., Inc., ed. (2002). Betaine. University of Maryland Medical Center

  12. Greens and antioxidant fruits:


Thursday, 3 July 2014

Prime Nutrition - Phytoform and EAA'S

Here is our first instalment of our revival of the blog. I see from our blog analytics thats many of you have been checking in since we announced we would be redoing this, so thank you.

This blog post will be the first of many about how Prime Nutrition products can help you to meet your training goals.

So firstly we would like to talk about PHYTOFORM from Prime Nutrition. 

Phytoform is a complete fruits and greens 1 scoop a day formula that provides you with multiple blends (such as antioxidants) to help you stay cycle year round. Whether thats Pre Contest/PCT/On Cycle or even just during the winter where people are more susceptible to illness. If you are ill you can't train - well not effectively anyway and no one wants to lose gains especially when you've spent even more time and money to achieve the physique you want. You can read more about this and buy here >

EAA'S - Both Branch Chain Amino Acids & Essential Amino Acids 

During your awesome workout's hopefully powered by DEFCON-1 or ANGEL DUST your body breaks down protein but with no rise in protein synthesis, which can lead muscle catabolism to occur if your not giving your body what it needs. Supplementing with EAA'S by Prime Nutrition will eliminate post workout muscle breakdown. What makes EAA'S better than any other 'amino blend' on the market? 1. It tastes fantastic in both Watermelon and Kiwi Strawberry 2. It's only £19.99 3. Total transparency with what you getting per scoop, see below the exact ingredient profile.
  • (Isoleucine – 1000mg)
  • (Leucine – 5000mg)
  • (Lysine – 500mg)
  • (Methionine – 500mg)
  • (Phenylalanine – 250mg)
  • (Threonine – 500mg)
  • (Valine – 1000mg)

Want to know more or pick up a tub? Just follow the link >

Monday, 30 June 2014

The blog revival

So we have not blogged in a long time and we thought to ourselves that this is just not good enough. So we shall bring at least a weekly blog posts about training, nutrition, other stuff and of course supplementation being the main topic! Any questions are welcome. 

Monday, 6 January 2014

Memorable YouTube videos we saw in 2013!

John Cena -


 Ray lewis -

Eric Thomas -

 Scott Francis showed me this one -

Muscle Rage Favourite Tweets of 2013!

First up is from Eric Thomas, its just a statement but a powerful one.

Next up is a man that tried for weeks and weeks to get a free T-Shirt, we admire his determination!

Here he is again at day 6 haha!

 This is when GYM GRUMP wasnt so grumpy?

Gym Grump crying after a leg workout I send him...

Another Gym Grump tweet proving that it isnt just about time in gym...

The Unit saying why he is a powerlifter... Logic.

Our Ambassador Jayson stirring the pot on twitter a little here

Okay now this might just be the best one ever... Proving to us that he did in fact go to ASDA and get his shopping lol

The best news of the year

 Always nice to have good feedback


One of the two men behind both Blackstone Labs and Prime Nutrition

Richard O'Hara joins #TEAMRAGE

Scott Francis showing that he is has some of our products

There are LOTS more we like however, if we put everyone on here people would get bored scrolling through! Thank you to all of you for the follows, retweets and of course your custom. Have a great 2014.