Thursday, 19 December 2013



Anyone that has read about, or had practical experience with PHs and anabolics,knows that sometime STACKING several compounds together can occasionally cause an unexplained synergistic effect. With anabolic compounds sometime 1 + 1 does NOT equal 2. Instead it equals 3 or 4! That's the effect we noticed with combination of the ingredients in EPI Smash! During experimentation we were surprised to find unusually potent strength and size gains without and water retention, gyno, acne, or other side effects like lethargy. Most people of our testers lost body fat at the same time as gaining muscle, and described EPI Smash as "trans-formative"!

What is this 6-chloro that's in EPI Smash (along with the Epistane - 10mg per cap)?
6a-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one - 20mg per cap
· Powerful anabolic, rated at 300:80 (anabolic:androgenic) vs. testosterone.
· Cannot convert to estrogen; immune to the effects of aromatase. · Intrinsically active compound /w no conversion required.
· Non-methylated, yet resistant to some aspects of CYP-mediated metabolism due to the Chloro group at C6.
6a-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one represents the next generation of legal androgens: Extremely effective, dry, and non-methylated, it stacks well with everything, and is more than adequate for solo runs. In terms of results, this 6-chlorinated compound is almost equal to harsher androgens such as M1,4ADD and Halodrol; in terms of toxicity, this compound cannot even be compared to them. It's MUCH SAFER AND MUCH MILDER. You won't need to buy a liver support, you won't need to shun alcohol like the plague, and you'll still gain a good 8-10 pounds of solid muscle, while increasing strength and endurance and improving your body composition. Where anabolics and androgens are concerned, 6-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one is the intelligent choice. A non-toxic, non-estrogenic, strong anabolic.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Creating the Perfect Cycle

Many of you always ask how to make the cycle as safe as possible or as efficient as possible and can you do both at the same time? We are here to tell you that a yes achieving both of these at the same time is perfectly possible. In fact we believe a safer cycle is a more efficient cycle.


Because it means your body as at peak performance when its at its healthiest, thus giving you more GAINS.

So how do you build a 'Perfect' cycle to cover all of the bases and can this be done with just products from Muscle Rage?

Firstly yes we sell everything you need for a 'Perfect' cycle, obviously you still need to put in the work such as eating right, training right and sleeping right. So firstly for a perfect cycle you need to think about the end of the cycle, because this is the PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) this is the stage where your body begins to return to the state before you took our amazing products.

In PCT you need to block Estrogen and boost Testosterone, thus helping you hold on to gains as best you can.

- To block Estrogen use Eradicate (Click here) at 3 caps a day evenly spread out throughout the day for 3 weeks.

- To boost Testosterone you can use a number of our products such as; DAA 1 sccop a day (100 servings for less than £20) or Testboost (1 scoop a day) instead of or on top to really give your production a kick. Here. Or of course you can use Ultra Male Rx which is also a brilliant product! Here

PCT extras can also be;

- SARM to help hold onto your gains, by stimulating the receptors without using Testosterone. We sell 100% Pharma Grade Ostarine - Osta Rx.

GROWTH to boost Growth Hormone to make sure you are well rested and recovered between each session - This can also be taken throughout the entire cycle and when you come off!

Now that you have planned the ultimate PCT its time to plan the supporting supplements. We feel these are especially important to keep you healthy during the cycle and keeping your body in a VERY anabolic state throughout the day.

- First up is a supporting supplement we sell both Gear Support and Advanced Cycle Support both are extremely good products for keeping your body as healthy as possible on cycle.

 - Next up if something you should be taking all the time throughout the year and that is a powerful Multi-Vitamin. We sell a Multi-Vitamin designed for ATHLETES not your Grandma (unless she is an athlete) - Multi Rx - for £14.99 you cannot go wrong!

Finally we have the supplements that all of you have heard of and many of you have taken, these are staples in many athletes supplements stacks.

- Pre Workout PWO/STIM - thank us for selling this later.

- EAA to sip throughout the day keeping you anabolic and your muscles always fed with the correct Muscle Building Blocks - EAA'S. - This actually contains 5g Leucine per scoop! Only £24.99

Creatine HCL this is one of the most proven supplements ever. It works.

- ALL other PRIME NUTRITION products can also go with any other supplement/cycle!

Lastly we plan the the cycle itself what compound(s) at what dosage and for how long. Never exceed the amount on the instruction label EVER. However, if it says 1-3 caps how many should you take for your goals? Do your RESEARCH either ask us for find one of the hundreds of great reviews/logs on the internet.

- Super Trenabol/Trenabol - To get leaner/Stronger (A LOT STRONGER)/Increase in Muscle Mass
- Super DMZ 2.0 - To get rapid mass and strength increases
- Epi-Smash (In within the next 5 days) - To improve body composition and 8-10lbs increase has been seen.

+ All of our other products. If you have any questions comment below, call us or email us.

Whether this is SUPER TRENABOL or SUPER DMZ 2.0 or any other of our great products STAY SAFE.

#TeamRage out.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Who wants big ARMS?

Who wants big ARMS? Silly question really, everyone wants big ARMS. I just finished training ARMS. Because when your walking through the street whats the first thing everyone see's? You guessed it ARMS. Whether its to look like you workout, being a bodybuilder or to impress the MRS big ARMS is what you want.

So you heard big weights = big ARMS?

Then you heard the pump = big ARMS?

Time Under Tension = big ARMS?

All about the tempo = big ARMS?

Supersets + Drop sets = big ARMS?

Well we at #TeamRage thought of this great idea to get big ARMS - try a number of these things for a SUSTAINED period of time so your body can adapt and GROW and see which one gets you the biggest ARMS. This way you can actively judge WHAT WORKS for YOU.

So here we have compiled some awesome ARM workouts from a number of people and what exercises we like best.

So in terms of exercises this is what we thought everyone should at least try as they are fundamentals to ARM training;


Push Downs
Close Grip Bench Press
Skull Crushers


Barbell Curls
Cable Curls
Hammer Curls


Reverse Barbell Curls
Flipping 5kg Plates/10kg Plates
Bar Squeezes for 30 seconds

Now in terms of ARM workouts this is what we thought you would be interested in;

First up is our Ambassador - North East CHAMP - @RichieOHara

His ARM workout is the following;

Exercise 1 - Seated Dumbell Curls 
Set 1 x15 reps, set 2 x10 reps, set 3 x5 reps, set 4 x3 reps
(Increase intensity - do set 4 with 3 second positive hold and 3 second negative hold)
Exercise 2 - EZ Barbell Curls with bands
Set 1 x15 reps, set 2 x10 reps, set 3 x5 reps, set 4 x3 reps
(Increase intensity - do set 4 with 3 second negative hold)
Exercise 3 - Machine Preacher Curl with bands
Set 1 x15 reps, set 2 x10 reps, set 3 x10 reps, set 4 x5 reps

Exercise 1 - Rope Pushdowns
Set 1 x10 reps (3 steps back from machine)
Set 1 x10 reps (1 step closer to machine)
Set 1 x10 reps (1 step closer to machine)
Repeat x3
Exercise 2 - EZ Barbell Skull Crusher plus Close Grip Press
Set 1 x10 reps (super set)
Repeat x3
Exercise 3 - Pushdowns 
Set 1 x15 reps, set 2 x10 reps, set 3 x10 reps, set 4 x5 reps
(Then drop set to complete failure)

Note: for all exercises increase weight between sets and SQUEEZE every rep like it owes you money!!!

Well thats one hell of an ARM workout.

Here is our physique ambassadors @Jayson_Gibson ARM workout;


Preacher Curls - 5 sets - 8 Reps - 1 Min Rest - Tempo 4010
Incline DB Curls - 4 sets - 6 reps - 1 Min Rest - Tempo 30x0
Close Grip Bench 5 sets - 8 Reps - 1 Min Rest - Tempo 4010
California Press 4 sets - 6 Reps - 1 Min Rest - Tempo 4020


Machine Preacher Curl
SuperSet                                 3 Sets - 15 Reps - 1 Min Rest - 3010
Reverse Tricep Pushdown

Standing Barbell Curl
SuperSet                                3 Sets - 15 Reps - 1 Min Rest - 4010
Two Arm DB French Press

Two Arm High Cable Curl
Superset                                3 Sets - 20 Reps - 1 Min Rest - 4020
Two Arm Cable Kickback

Very Different styles of training ARMS but obviously they both work!

Lastly is the Current Mr. Olympia Phil Heath Arm Workout (Taken from

Barbell Curls - 4 Sets

DB Preacher Curls - 4 Sets - 8-10 reps

High Cable Curls - 4 Sets - 8-10 reps

Cable Push Downs - 4 Sets - 8-10 reps

One Arm Cable Push Downs - 4 Sets - 8-10 reps

Dips - 4 Sets - 8-10 reps

Is this really is workout? Is it that simple? You tell us what you think...



Friday, 13 December 2013


First we stunned the PH/DS world by combining a number of products guaranteed to get results and keep you safe on cycle. People reported gains and lots of them! This was SUPER DMZ 2.0 STACK.

Then we decided that was no longer good enough. It didn’t cut it any more, people wanted more gains. We promised them more. They got more. We made the SUPER DMZ 2.0 STACK V2. 

Now we wanted to unleash more, we wanted to give you more, more gains, more results, more stares as you walked in the gym. This stack is better than a version 3 could ever be. 

We call it the Super DMZ 2.0 SMASH STACK.

It Contains;

1x Super DMZ 2.0 - For Size Gains
1x Super Trenabol - For Strength and Fat Loss
1x Gear Support - To keep you healthy

1x Eradicate - To block Estrogen and help raise Testosterone as part of a PCT
1x Test Boost - To help boost Testosterone as part of a PCT 

We know you will like this. Why? Because it works. 

As always because you are investing your hard earned cash on a number of products we give you 5% OFF! 

Making this incredible stack: £183.30