Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Creating the Perfect Cycle

Many of you always ask how to make the cycle as safe as possible or as efficient as possible and can you do both at the same time? We are here to tell you that a yes achieving both of these at the same time is perfectly possible. In fact we believe a safer cycle is a more efficient cycle.


Because it means your body as at peak performance when its at its healthiest, thus giving you more GAINS.

So how do you build a 'Perfect' cycle to cover all of the bases and can this be done with just products from Muscle Rage?

Firstly yes we sell everything you need for a 'Perfect' cycle, obviously you still need to put in the work such as eating right, training right and sleeping right. So firstly for a perfect cycle you need to think about the end of the cycle, because this is the PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) this is the stage where your body begins to return to the state before you took our amazing products.

In PCT you need to block Estrogen and boost Testosterone, thus helping you hold on to gains as best you can.

- To block Estrogen use Eradicate (Click here) at 3 caps a day evenly spread out throughout the day for 3 weeks.

- To boost Testosterone you can use a number of our products such as; DAA 1 sccop a day (100 servings for less than £20) or Testboost (1 scoop a day) instead of or on top to really give your production a kick. Here. Or of course you can use Ultra Male Rx which is also a brilliant product! Here

PCT extras can also be;

- SARM to help hold onto your gains, by stimulating the receptors without using Testosterone. We sell 100% Pharma Grade Ostarine - Osta Rx.

GROWTH to boost Growth Hormone to make sure you are well rested and recovered between each session - This can also be taken throughout the entire cycle and when you come off!

Now that you have planned the ultimate PCT its time to plan the supporting supplements. We feel these are especially important to keep you healthy during the cycle and keeping your body in a VERY anabolic state throughout the day.

- First up is a supporting supplement we sell both Gear Support and Advanced Cycle Support both are extremely good products for keeping your body as healthy as possible on cycle.

 - Next up if something you should be taking all the time throughout the year and that is a powerful Multi-Vitamin. We sell a Multi-Vitamin designed for ATHLETES not your Grandma (unless she is an athlete) - Multi Rx - for £14.99 you cannot go wrong!

Finally we have the supplements that all of you have heard of and many of you have taken, these are staples in many athletes supplements stacks.

- Pre Workout PWO/STIM - thank us for selling this later.

- EAA to sip throughout the day keeping you anabolic and your muscles always fed with the correct Muscle Building Blocks - EAA'S. - This actually contains 5g Leucine per scoop! Only £24.99

Creatine HCL this is one of the most proven supplements ever. It works.

- ALL other PRIME NUTRITION products can also go with any other supplement/cycle!

Lastly we plan the the cycle itself what compound(s) at what dosage and for how long. Never exceed the amount on the instruction label EVER. However, if it says 1-3 caps how many should you take for your goals? Do your RESEARCH either ask us for find one of the hundreds of great reviews/logs on the internet.

- Super Trenabol/Trenabol - To get leaner/Stronger (A LOT STRONGER)/Increase in Muscle Mass
- Super DMZ 2.0 - To get rapid mass and strength increases
- Epi-Smash (In within the next 5 days) - To improve body composition and 8-10lbs increase has been seen.

+ All of our other products. If you have any questions comment below, call us or email us.

Whether this is SUPER TRENABOL or SUPER DMZ 2.0 or any other of our great products STAY SAFE.

#TeamRage out.

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